Jack & Jill competitions will be offered in all levels, excluding Champions. We provide you with a brief overview here.
Newcomer: It is your first competition ever or you have not earned any Newcomer points yet. Competitors of other dances are asked to compete in Novice.
Novice: Competitors who have earned fewer than 16 Novice points.
Intermediate: Competitors who have earned 16 or more Novice points.
Advanced: Competitors who have earned 30 or more Intermediate points.
All Star: Competitors who have earned 60 or more Advanced points.
Sophisticated (above 35 yrs)
Masters (above 50 yrs)
All competitions will be judged based on timing, technique, and teamwork. (Code of Conduct Download)
All competitions will ad here to the Official World Swing Dance Council Rules, which can be found at the following link: https://www.worldsdc.com/rules/.
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